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 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to.

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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 7:36

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Tumblr_m8z75gjocw1rp5zlp
Lauryn Ana Edenson
ft. Rachel Mcadams

NOM COMPLET: Lauryn Ana Edenson
AGE :28 ans
EMPLOI : Comptable
GROUPE : How to save a life


Le 25 Fevrier 1985, l’agitation était à son comble dans la résidence des Edenson située en plein cœur de Victoria en Colombie Britannique . Madame Heaven Edenson avait insisté pour faire naitre sa fille à domicile, entourée de sa meilleure amie sage-femme et de son frère. En effet, elle avait gardé une situation sociale convenable depuis la mort de son mari avocat 7 mois plus tôt. C’est donc ce jour là qu’est né Lauryn Ana Edenson, une petite fille aux cheveux bruns et aux yeux vert d‘eau. L’enfance de Lauryn fut rythmé par des leçons avec des professeurs particulier à la maison, sa mère voulant la surprotéger et la préserver de la dureté de l’extérieur. Lauryn devint très intelligente pour son jeune âge, et très gentille , on ne connaissait pas petite fille mieux élevé. Mais elle était fragile et douce, innocente comme un agneau. Elle demeura fille unique, puisque sa mère ne se remaria pas, mais ne soufra pas de la solitude, étant donné qu’elle vivait entouré de ses nombreux cousins et cousines. C’était une vraie petite famille, un communauté qui remplissait le quotidien de la petite blonde.

« Je ne peux tout de même pas continuer à vivre à votre dépend. Je ne veux pas que Lauryn et moi soyons des fardeau.
- Tu sais très bien que ça ne nous dérange pas.
- C’est une raison parmi tant d’autre. J’ai toujours exigé le meilleur, et je refuse de me voiler la face et de vivre au dessus de mes moyens. Je vais partir avec Lauryn, j’ai trouvé un emploi en tant que couturière dans une ville du Michigan. Elle a 16 ans, il est temps qu’elle cesse de vivre uniquement à travers moi.  »

C’est alors que Lauryn et sa mère plièrent bagages et prirent la route vers cette ville nommée Detroit. Un monde nouveau pour la jeune fille qui n’avait jamais mit les pieds dans une école publique, et dont les activités extérieurs s’étaient résumées à des cours de piano et à des représentation de danse classique. Changement radical de situation, elle était passé d’un statut social aisé à un autre beaucoup plus moyen. Mais elle ne s’en plaignit pas et aida sa mère du mieux qu’elle put en faisant le ménage chez des particuliers. L’école publique lui fit le plus grand bien, et lui permit de se faire des amis qui ne faisaient pas parti de sa famille. La jeune Edenson obtint son diplôme et intégra une université d’économie et business. C’est là-haut qu’elle rencontra à 20 ans celui qui allait, mais elle ne le savait pas encore, devenir l’amour de sa vie. Jaymes Weeler, un garçon qu’elle avait d’abord considéré comme un de ces fils de riche comme il y en avait tant et qui s’était révélé être tout à fait différent. Une amitié qui se mit à grandir au fil des années, et c’est à 23 ans qu’ils se mirent à sortir ensemble. Une relation fusionnelle et forte, comme il n’y en avait pas cent. Mais les obligations de Jaymes envers la société de son père, et le fait qu’il la laisse de côté était difficile à supporter. Lauryn n’avait jamais voulut être ce genre de femme qui attendait sagement son mari tous les soirs, et qui essayait d’exister à ses yeux par tout les moyens possible. Lauryn qui l’avait toujours admiré parce qu’il ne l’avait jamais fait se sentir comme inférieure, s’était sentie comme invisible. Malgré le fait qu’elle l’aimait de tout son cœur, elle rompit avec Jaymes après 3 ans, et le regretta amèrement même si elle était sure d’avoir fait le bon choix.

Entre temps, la jeune fille avait obtenue , en dépit de toute chose, son diplôme et avait trouvé un travail de comptable dans une entreprise importante. Aujourd'hui à 28 ans, elle est comptable à la banque de Detroit et vit heureuse en se plongeant corps et âme dans son travail pour éviter de penser à trop de choses . Seulement son bonheur n'est pas total, et il lui manque la seule chose qui compte réellement pour elle, l'amour.


Gentille - Jolie - Agréable à vivre - Travailleuse - Déterminée - Sociable - Drôle - Exubérante - Passionnée - Possessive - Jalouse - Organisée - Rit toujours trop fort - Têtue - Précieuse - Adore jouer du piano - Rêveuse - Élégante - Physionomiste - Charismatique - Fille de couturière - Débrouillarde - Canadienne d'origine - Enjouée - Généreuse- Va toujours au bout des choses.


"In time, the hurt began to fade and it was easier to just let it go. At least I thought it was. But in every boy I met in the next few years, I found myself looking for you, and when the feelings got too strong, I'd write you another letter. But I never sent them for fear of what I might find. By then, you'd gone on with your life and I didn't want to think about you loving someone else. I wanted to remember us like we were that summer. I didn't ever want to lose that. We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it. You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have."


NOM : 10
AGE : 19
PAYS : 28

Dernière édition par Lauryn A. Edenson le Mar 30 Oct 2012 - 17:25, édité 5 fois
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Adam W. Swanson

Adam W. Swanson

AGE : 27
ANNIVERSAIRE : 21/04/1997
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 10/08/2012
AVATAR : Matt Bomer

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 7:44

Ton avatar est cute *w*
Bonne chance pour ta présentation sexy girl et au plaisir de te voir peut être sur la CB voir rp avec la jolie gazelle que tu es !
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 12:31

REBIENVENUE SERENA !!! Very Happy Je suis trop ravi que tu ailles repris le scénario de mon cher Jaymes ! 14 J'ai trop hâte de faire l'ultime rencontre avec toi et Constance, justement on avait planifié un truc avec l'ancienne et puis elle est partie :/ XD ^^
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Autumn L. Savannah

Autumn L. Savannah

AGE : 33
ANNIVERSAIRE : 04/03/1991
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 10/04/2012
AVATAR : Mila Kunis

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 12:32

gniahahaha (a) rebienvenue à toi miss !
Je te souhaite de te plaire avec ce tout nouveau personnage (: comme toujours, si tu as des questions, surtout ne te gênes pas Very Happy
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Jake Spencer

Jake Spencer

AGE : 28
ANNIVERSAIRE : 30/09/1995
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 29/08/2012
AVATAR : Chace Crawford

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 12:34

Rebienvenue Serenou 16
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Clayton A. Livingstone

Clayton A. Livingstone

AGE : 34
ANNIVERSAIRE : 14/01/1990
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 11/08/2012
AVATAR : Colin O'Donoghue

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 13:36

Et ben tu débarque avec plein de perso ces temps si lol!

RE bienvenue ^^
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 13:54

JE T'AIMEEEEEEEEEEEUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <3 (On s'entreprend nos scénarios sans arrêt xD) J'ai le droit de dire que t'es canon aussi? *Je rajouterai même que Jaymes te trouve absolument sublime* <3 Eclate toi bien avec Lauryn chou Serenou Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 3091600544
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 14:08

Toi qui voulais rester incognito bah ça semble plutôt raté xd ! Re-bienvenue avec ce nouveau personnage Lauryn !!! Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 24 Oct 2012 - 15:12

Ouh ben mince alors, pour la discrétion c'est un peu raté !
xD Lincoln c'est parce que c'est un remplacement Razz
Owi Constance ca va être feun ! ou pas 17

Bon eh bien merci vous Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMar 30 Oct 2012 - 14:19

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMar 30 Oct 2012 - 17:27

ASDFGHJKL Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084 Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. 266849084
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Constance Weeler-Swanson

Constance Weeler-Swanson

AGE : 31
ANNIVERSAIRE : 13/10/1992
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 21/04/2012
AVATAR : Katie Cassidy

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMar 30 Oct 2012 - 19:53

Et voilà, mademoiselle ex de mon futur mari Smile
Super histoire Very Happy

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Autumn & Jane

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G. Lucy Warren

G. Lucy Warren

AGE : 31
ANNIVERSAIRE : 03/02/1993
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 31/03/2012
AVATAR : Amber Heard.

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyMer 31 Oct 2012 - 17:28

Re bienvenue à toi ! OMG Rachel quoi...
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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyJeu 1 Nov 2012 - 15:52

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Autumn L. Savannah

Autumn L. Savannah

AGE : 33
ANNIVERSAIRE : 04/03/1991
EN VILLE DEPUIS LE : 10/04/2012
AVATAR : Mila Kunis

Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. EmptyDim 20 Jan 2013 - 17:51

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MessageSujet: Re: Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to. Empty

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Lauryn ϟ I didn't have the strength to.

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